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The Covid 19 Challenge

Finding Solutions Through Tech
Skilled Training (Pickle Making)
For Income Generation
Via Youtube
The project began with groups of 25 women coming together and being trained. However, the virus has been constantly throwing new challenges. As the pandemic became particularly severe in April 2021, WWHI had to suspend the classes. But recognizing the desperate need of the women, WWHI  opted for  tech solutions to address  the problem of trainees unable to visit the CEDC for training.

We are making a series of videos, which shall be uploaded on YouTube, which the women can directly access and thereby get trained in their own homes and spaces.

The videos have opened an entirely new world for the trainees. They are connecting to new learning via the videos but also becoming more confident about tech. They practice making food items at home, are filming the process with their mobiles and then sending the pictures back to the Trainers via WhatsApp so that they can make the needed corrections.

Video Link:

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This exercise has been a hugely empowering process for the Trainee women, who have low literacy levels and therefore diffident about using tech.

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